Community Net Zero Workshop, Springwood
Sunday 6 August, 2023
Blue Mountains Theatre and Community Hub, Springwood
Having been declared a natural disaster area five times in just four years, once for fire and four times for extreme wet weather events, Blue Mountains City Council is reaching out to all sectors of the community to join in creating a Community Net Zero Strategy and Action Plan.
Blue Mountains City Council CEO Rosemary Dillon has said: “This initiative aligns with our focus of taking local action to restore planetary health and mitigate climate change.”
Lis Bastian, from the Planetary Health Initiative will give an update on the disaster risk reduction program being developed as part of the Initiative’s Bioregional Collaboration for Planetary Health.
Blue Mountains City Council CEO Dr Rosemary Dillon
Rob Morrison (Program Leader Sustainability and Waste)
Lis Bastian (Senior Lead, Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiative)
Dr Jenna Condie (Co-leader Blue Mountains Australian Parents for Climate Action)
Phil Spiers (Chief Enabling Officer of the upcoming Buy Into Sustainability event)
Read more about the event in Springwood Area Local News
The Bioregional Collaboration for Planetary Health is supported by the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (DRRF). The DRRF is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments.