Planetary Health Digital Media Storyteller

Published by Panetary Health Initiative on

Planetary Health Digital Media Storyteller (18 months temporary) – V22/5776

Position Description The Digital Media Storyteller will work with Council’s Planetary Health Team to establish and maintain community communication platforms and an online Planetary Health portal. They will create innovative and compelling digital media stories of solutions from every sector and engage young people and the wider community in disaster risk reduction strategies to restore planetary health. They will also provide digital media training and support for storytellers in the Planetary Health Team and for the community in the Planetary Health learning program. You will require: • an understanding of planetary health challenges and ability to communicate these creatively and innovatively to engage a broad cross-section of the community, especially young people • demonstrated experience in creating compelling digital storytelling • excellent communication skills • advanced computer skills including desktop publishing, website content management systems and video editing software Salary:  commencing at $87,877.55 gross per annum. For further information contact:  Lis Bastian on 0407 437 553. Closing date:  18 December 2022. Apply via Council’s website here

This position is grant funded to develop Disaster Risk Reduction Programs for Council’s Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiative.

Categories: Jobs 2022


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