Permaculture Design Course

Published by Panetary Health Initiative on

From 25th November – 18th December (Mondays to Wednesdays) + 6 months mentoring.

Starting at The Big Fix, 101 Wentworth Street, Blackheath

Followed by various locations in the Blue Mountains

This is a free program for young people aged 16 – 30

Permaculture Design is a powerful tool for creating systems that meet our human needs but also support the ecosystem as a whole. This groundbreaking free program starts with an internationally recognised 72 hour Permaculture Design Course, plus an additional Social Enterprise Design component – that’s why we’re calling it a PDC+.

The course will be commencing on Monday 25 November and running on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays for 4 weeks until 18 December. It will run from 9am to 5pm each day, and later on the final Wednesday when we have our presentations and final party. There will be various locations for the course around the Blue Mountains, mostly in Blackheath.

The full dates for the course are:

  • November 25 – 27
  • December 2 – 4
  • December 9 – 11
  • December 16 – 18

The course will be followed by six months of optional mentoring to help you develop a social enterprise.

William de Geer is one of the graduates of the first PDC+. Click on this digital badge to learn more about the program:

To earn a Permaculture & Social Enterprise Design Badge you need to:

  • Complete a Permaculture & Social Enterprise Design Course
  • Participate in the six-month mentoring program and demonstrate that you have gained experience in the following:
    • Fundraising and grant writing
    • Graphic design
    • Marketing
    • Event management
    • Business skills including database management
    • Policy development
  • Develop a viable Business Plan for a social enterprise with Edgy Blue Mountains, our Collaborative Social Enterprise Incubator

This program has been made possible thanks to funding from Blue Mountains Food Co-Op and the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal.

You can view and download the Pluriversity’s full program for August-December in chronological order here

To stay updated with our regularly changing program, sign up for our email newsletter below:

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Categories: Permaculture