March 7

Published by Panetary Health Initiative on

Recycling pens and markers

It wasn’t until Sue started talking to me at Landcare on Saturday that I began to think about all the old markers and pens lying around the house. When my kids left home, their old pens and textas didn’t.

After starting A Year in a Day in January, one of my first actions was to start using a refillable fountain pen, but I didn’t address the many pens and other markers still lying around the house, already empty and/or dried up.

TerraCycle and BIC® have partnered to create a free recycling program for all brands of used writing instruments, so, for today’s action, I found it very soothing with all the stressful news, to ransack the house and begin sorting the hundreds of pens and textas that have accumulated after many years.

Tick, tick, tick – mental health sorted, decluttering sorted, plastic waste sorted.

Terracycle’s Collection Hubs are at Officeworks stores, so when we head to Sydney on Thursday I’ll be taking a box of writing instruments down to be recycled.

In the meantime, I’ve put a box on a chair at my front door and if you live anywhere near 101 Wentworth St Blackheath, you’re very welcome to drop your pens and markers into the box and I’ll take them down too. I know Sue and her friend are going to drop theirs off!

An added bonus is that I found a whole lot of highlighter pens that I didn’t even know I had. I’ve also eliminated that infuriating thing that happens so often – when you grab a pen and it doesn’t work! I’m still ploughing through them but they’ll all be sorted soon.

Join #AYearInADay Citizen Science Project to see if we can all inspire one another to do more to restore planetary health

We’d love you to collaborate with us and share any actions you take to restore planetary health in the comments below or on our social media. While we welcome you to share ANY ACTION you take to inspire others, we’ll be recording NEW or EXTRA actions that people take as part of our tally, because we’re trying to inspire one another to do more than we’re already doing. Feel free to copy some of the actions our participants have been sharing – the action only needs to be NEW for you. Let us know if other people are influenced by your posts, or ours, so that we can measure outcomes of this project. To leave a comment on this blog you’ll need to enter your name and email address.

Our first step is to record 365 new actions. Our second step will be to aim for 365 new actions in one single day. Imagine if we could do it every day of the year! You can subscribe to receive a daily action from us here


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