March 3

Published by Panetary Health Initiative on

I just LOVE local and so does Blue Mountains City Council with its fabulous LOVE LOCAL campaign that includes recipes, videos and fascinating information about our local businesses, as well as a Business Directory so you can LOVE local too.

It was such a treat, despite this wet and soggy day, to be able to head to the friendly and helpful team at Bike Minded in Wentworth Falls to take the next step in my ‘becoming a cyclist’ journey. They ordered me in a bike rack and a TrolleyTote Folding Basket so I can bring home produce from the Farm every Sunday – I’m definitely eliminating excuses to drive rather than cycle!

They also bent over backwards to reassure me that if I had trouble putting on the bike rack I could just bring my bike in and they’d do it for me!!!!!! You don’t get that with online shopping …. so guess where I’ll be taking my bike tomorrow!

I am so grateful that they, and so many of our other small businesses exist, but most of them have definitely been struggling in the last few years.

March is Small Business Month

On Friday 25 and Saturday 26 March, Blue Mountains City Council is collaborating with a range of groups to support our businesses by providing a FREE Small Business Program of Events at the Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre.

It’s a great opportunity to do some networking, learn about grant writing and social media for small businesses and creators, learn how to negotiate, and lots more.

It’s also a great way to build a support network to get through these challenging times.

Join #AYearInADay Citizen Science Project to see if we can all inspire one another to do more to restore planetary health

We’d love you to collaborate with us and share any actions you take to restore planetary health in the comments below or on our social media. While we welcome you to share ANY ACTION you take to inspire others, we’ll be recording NEW or EXTRA actions that people take as part of our tally, because we’re trying to inspire one another to do more than we’re already doing. Feel free to copy some of the actions our participants have been sharing – the action only needs to be NEW for you. Let us know if other people are influenced by your posts, or ours, so that we can measure outcomes of this project. To leave a comment on this blog you’ll need to enter your name and email address.

Our first step is to record 365 new actions. Our second step will be to aim for 365 new actions in one single day. Imagine if we could do it every day of the year! You can subscribe to receive a daily action from us here


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