March 22

Published by Panetary Health Initiative on


Climate Action Now

Today I signed up to participate in Earth Hour, this coming Saturday 26 March at 8.30pm via this link and I ordered FREE Climate Action Now signs and bin stickers from this link …. just like the one in this photo by Jo Fraser:



I also joined the Blue Mountains Wombat Conservation Group and organised to go along to the first training session this coming Thursday.  This group is dedicated to finding and treating sick wombats in the beautiful Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains. 



I enjoy lemons on a daily basis … in my cooking and in my late afternoon glass of lemon or lime and soda. Today I planted two more Myer lemon trees to ensure that, eventually, I’m producing at least as many as I consume. Citrus are a great source of vitamins over the winter months, so good to get them in now.


PLANT-BASED EATING: Creamy Beetroot Risotto with Cashew Cream and Cucumber and Dill Salad

We’ve been harvesting beetroot and cucumbers in the Upper Mountains so today I decided to try one of my favourite risottos, but adapt it to be completely plant-based. I was thrilled that the Nutritional Yeast worked well instead of parmesan and the Cashew Cream was just as delicious as the traditional sour cream I’ve always used before.


Creamy Beetroot Risotto

  • 500 gm fresh beetroot
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 250 gm risotto rice (Arborio)
  • 150 ml white wine
  • 700 ml hot vegetable stock
  • handful nutritional yeast
  • 4 tbsp cashew cream
  • handful chopped dill

Cashew Cream

  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • ⅓ cup water
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  1. Heat oven to 180C. Peel and trim beetroots and cut into large wedges. Place on a baking tray and toss with 1 tbsp olive oil, season, then cook for 1 hr until the beets are soft (keep an eye on them so they won't burn).

  2. Blend all the ingredients for the cashew cream until very smooth.

  3. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil and tip in the garlic and onion. Cook 3-5 mins until translucent. Stir in the rice until well coated with oil Pour over the white wine and let mixture bubble it has been absorbed.

  4. Stir well, then gradually add the hot stock, stirring frequently.

  5. Remove beetroots from the oven. Whisk ¼ of them to make a puree, then chop the remainder into small pieces. Stir the nutritional yeast, beetroot puree and chopped beetroot through the risotto. Serve with cashew cream and dill.



Rachel mended a fly screen today instead of replacing it. She has lots more to do and is hoping her technique will improve!



Today Michelle continued making a rag rug out of some old sheets that got holes in them. She’s also going to make small reusable shopping bags from lace curtains.

And also today, Libby booked into the community workshop event on 29 March for the former Katoomba Golf Course Precinct Plan.

Others have continued to email me about actions they hope to do on the 7th April for World Health Day so that we can try to reach 365 actions in one day. Would love everyone to contribute on that day if you can!

Research by academics at Leeds University, engineering firm Arup and the C40 Cities climate group has identified that 73 per cent of all changes needed by 2030 to keep the world on course to meet the Paris agreement targets need to be made by governments and industry. But private citizens have considerable influence over the remaining 27 per cent. So let’s get cracking!


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