Cool Places

Cool Places During Heatwaves Paradise Pool in Linden (Photo: Walk My World) When temperatures soar and your home heats up, tempers can easily become frayed and your health can take a hit. Not everyone has the benefit of air-conditioning, and all-day running costs are prohibitive for many people. In these Read more…

Urban Heat Islands

Cool Homes Heatwaves in Australia kill more people than all other natural disasters combined. Urban areas create heat islands which are hotter than surrounding areas, both day and night. Water moderates climate, but the unshaded hard surfaces of urban areas (homes, footpaths and roads) contain very little water and protection Read more…


Greening Vegetation can be thought of as green water. More than 80-95% of a plant’s composition is water, so when we see green areas we are in fact seeing green waterways. Individual trees can transpire hundreds of litres of water each day – a cooling power equivalent to two average household Read more…