Bushfire Sprinklers

Bushfire Sprinklers

We have been working with Dr Alan Green from the Sustainable Building Research Centre at the University of Wollongong to create resources sharing the latest research on bushfire sprinkler systems. This includes building a bushfire sprinkler demonstration wall to compare different sprinklers (photo and video below). The wall of sprinklers  compares performance in bushfire conditions and efficiency of water usage.

Part of that work has been to design a strategy to protect the Planetary Health Centre from fire. The first recommendation is to take passive measures like sealing all gaps that are 2mm or more and removing fuel loads from near the building. See more in attached report below. These will be actioned over time.

After passive measures, sprinklers are an active measure. We have installed Flat Fan bushfire sprinklers over the Centre’s windows. These have been tested to provide sufficient coverage in bushfire conditions, using a minimum amount of water. Water is pumped to the sprinklers from our water tanks.

You can download Dr Alan Green’s PhD: Sprinkler systems for the protection of buildings from wildfire here

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Bushfire Sprinkler Demonstration at the Planetary Health Centre

Daniel Brown from DB Plumbing describes sprinklers in our Sprinkler Demonstration Area, including an impact sprinkler and the Flat Fan sprinkler which has been used on the Centre’s windows. We’re showcasing Bushfire Sprinkler research by Dr Alan Green from the Sustainable Building Research Centre at the University of Wollongong.

Latest Bushfire Sprinkler Research

Dr Alan Green from the Sustainable Buildings Research Centre at Wollongong University has assisted the Planetary Health Centre to design a Bushfire Sprinkler System informed by his latest research conducted as part of his PhD.

He gave a presentation at the Future Proofing with Circular Water Symposium at the Planetary Health Centre on 26 July 2024.