BMCC – Communications Officer

The position is responsible for the coordination and / or maintenance of corporate advertising; communications & marketing related publications; digital engagement and marketing platforms; civic and corporate events; and assisting with the preparation and distribution of corporate media releases. The position contributes to the effective and efficient implementation of the Corporate Communications & Marketing Strategy and ensuring a professional and positive corporate profile and reputation
This role will assist in the compilation of corporate communications, advertising, website and social media updates. They will help coordinate and promote Council’s corporate and civic events and provide support to Council-endorsed advocacy campaigns. They will also help disseminate media releases, newsletters and printed publications.
Salary: commencing at $2498.95 gross per fortnight
For further information contact: Belinda Zammit on 4780 5779
Closing date: 16 February 2020.
How to Apply:
All job applications should address the selection criteria for the position and be accompanied by a resume, at least two references and copies of qualifications.
These should be emailed to
If you are unable to get access to a computer, hard copy applications may be posted to:
‘Staff Application’
Human Resources
Blue Mountains City Council
Locked Bag 1005
Katoomba NSW 2780
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact the person listed in the advertisement.
You should also refer to the Tips on how to apply for a vacancy with BMCC which will assist you in preparing your application.
If you have any problems downloading any position information from our website, please contact Council on (02) 4780 5693.
Applications must be received by Council prior to the closing date.
Council cannot be held responsible for applications becoming lost or delayed in the general post.