Water for Wildlife
As our Wildlife Emergency Assistance Workshop indicated, we can support our wildlife by planting native vegetation and providing a wide range of water sources, particularly during heatwaves, drought and fire seasons.
This includes providing containers of water off the ground, in trees and at different heights for different species.
The stressors of repeated natural disasters are severely impacting wildlife. New diseases are emerging and these zoonotic diseases may have the potential to impact human populations.
Providing water, food and habitat will contribute to reducing these stressors. Visit our page on Ponds to learn How to Build a Pond for Wildlife.
Wildlife Emergency Assistance
In this Wildlife Emergency Assistance Workshop on 26 August 2023, Tracy Burgess from WIRES addressed the threats to local wildlife, who responds and what community can do to provide emergency assistance.
Water for Wildlife & How to Build a Pond
On the 21st October 2023 we gave a presentation on how to increase Water for Wildlife in your garden & How to Build a Pond. The presentation was followed by building a pond together at the Planetary Health Centre. This was a simple in-ground pond that was completed in one afternoon. View the making of the pond at the end of this powerpoint presentation.