Distraction – The Umbilical Brothers

Blue Mountains Theatre and Community Hub 106-108 Macquarie Road, Springwood, NSW, Australia

The Umbilicals take the energy of live performance and the spectacle of cinema and smash them together into a new show performed simultaneously on stage and the big screen. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen, and nothing they’ve ever done, and it will blow your mind way more literally than you are expecting.
The Distraction: Enabling your screen addiction.


The Grandparents Club – The Musical

Blue Mountains Theatre and Community Hub 106-108 Macquarie Road, Springwood, NSW, Australia

Written by Australian comedy legend Wendy Harmer and featuring the music of multi-award winning composer and Music Director John Field, this 90-minute musical is performed by a stellar cast led by Lynne McGranger (Home and Away), Laurence Coy, Meredith O’Reilly, and Andrew James.
