Greg Daly Exhibition

Lost Bear Gallery Lurline Street, Katoomba

ARTIST STATEMENT My studio is in central west New South Wales and the view from my studio is one that allows me to see from one horizon to the other. From first light to sunset, I watch the day’s light traversing this landscape, interacting with the atmosphere, the topography and Read more…

Ann Morton Exhibition

ARTIST STATEMENT Finding elements that make me want to grab my paintbrush has been a life long obsession. I see beauty from the natural world all around me, however, when it comes to the man-made objects in my paintings, I have always found it much harder to come across the Read more…

Mid Mountains Community Garden

Mid Mountains Community Garden 5-17 Queens Road, Lawson, NSW, Australia

The Mid Mountains Community Garden is a great place to share knowledge and learn new skills.  Our regular Saturday morning working bees are an opportunity for everyone to explore the garden, help out with weeding, watering and planting, and share knowledge about growing your own food.   Weekly working bees Read more…