Community Games

Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre 9 New Street, Lawson

Come along to our friendly Community Games Group.   Wonderful company and conversation in a warm and friendly environment.   Light refreshments will be provided.   For more information call 4759 2592

Trivia at Hazelbrook Bowling Club

Hazelbrook Bowling Club Bonnie View Ave, Hazelbrook

Every Friday from 7 pm – $3 entry per person. Come with a team of up to 8 players, or join one at the club. Winning team will get a $50 bar voucher.

Mid Mountains Community Garden

Mid Mountains Community Garden 5-17 Queens Road, Lawson

The Mid Mountains Community Garden is a great place to share knowledge and learn new skills.  Our regular Saturday morning working bees are an opportunity for everyone to explore the garden, help out with weeding, watering and planting, and share knowledge about growing your own food.   Weekly working bees Read more…