Future Proofing with Circular Water

Published by Panetary Health Initiative on

Future Proofing with Circular Water

Friday 26 July
9am to 3pm
Bookings essential here

The event is free and lunch will be provided.

To coincide with the development of a Water Demonstration Site at the Blue Mountains Planetary Health Precinct & Parklands the Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiative has invited specialists in managing water to reduce the risk of disaster to join in a discussion with plumbers, builders, engineers, designers, architects, community members and Council staff to look at how we can manage water better together.

We will hear from each speaker, allowing time for Q&A, then bring everyone together in a final panel discussion.

Check out our Bushfire Sprinkler Wall, the innovative new Hydraloop, our underground water storage system built with storm brixx and more.

Hear and ask questions about:

  • Sydney Water’s recent trial of the Hydraloop: an innovative new technology to re-use greywater;
  • the latest Bushfire Sprinkler research;
  • the Planetary Health Initiative’s trial of an integrated water management system to reduce risk of bushfire with community water management;
  • the state of play with Black Water recycling ….

Speakers will include:

  1. Andre Boerema: Sydney Water, Program Manager, Drought
  2. Lisa McLean: Hydraloop Australia and Circular Economy expert
  3. Dr Alan Green: Research Fellow, University of Wollongong, Sustainable Buildings Research Centre on Bushfire Sprinkler Systems
  4. Mark Liebman: Engineer at the Sustainability Workshop
  5. Andrew Bovis: Decentralised/Integrated Water Solutions looking at the current state of black water recycling


This event is part of the Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiative’s Bioregional Collaboration for Planetary Health and is supported by the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (DRRF). The DRRF is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments.